"Selling To Big Companies" by Jill Konrath

"A big company isn't a big company only - it's composed of a lot of smaller companies. You're not targeting the entire company...there are different business units, different divisions. And within them there are the departments. So the first thing you do is research and figure out how to break the company down into bite-sized chunks, and you target the chunks - not the whole large corporation."


SalesRepRadio is produced by The MarComm Store, leaders in the development of sales training reinforcement programs, custom corporate podcasts, learning incentive programs, robust web design and more. For more information, visit http://www.marcommstore.com/.

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"Selling Services Effectively" by Mike Schultz

"So much of the business training we have has historically been focused on products. If we apply what we learned about selling products to what we're doing in services, it can really trip us up. Services themselves have specific challenges versus all the other different kinds of things that we can sell as both the sellers and the people who run businesses. A lot of those challenges will necessitate certain kinds of changes with how we go about days to move the revenue higher. "


SalesRepRadio is produced by The MarComm Store, leaders in the development of sales training reinforcement programs, custom corporate podcasts, learning incentive programs, robust web design and more. For more information, visit http://www.marcommstore.com/.

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"The Power Of Team Selling" by Steve Waterhouse

"Things have gotten so complex today that many products can't be sold by a single person. Even if you believe you can, you can't get the credibility. For instance, if you're selling computer systems, the customer doesn't believe you know everything that is necessary to be able to close the sale...they want you to bring in the kinds of people that are the experts to support the sale. You can't be out there today doing it all - you've got to have a team around you to have the credibility with today's customers to make the big sales." CLICK TO LISTEN

SalesRepRadio is produced by The MarComm Store, leaders in the development of sales training reinforcement programs, custom corporate podcasts, learning incentive programs, robust web design and more. For more information, visit http://www.marcommstore.com/.

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"Successful Cold Calling" by Ron LaVine

"The reason we find people dislike cold calling is they haven't found a comfortable way to do it. They look at it as a chore rather than as a game, "How much information can I get on every call - how many people can I discover?" So I try to reframe cold-calling in terms of a game or a puzzle - How many pieces of the puzzle can I find on every call. And if I get more information then I had before, I've gotten a result. And if I've gotten a result, I haven't been rejected." CLICK TO LISTEN

SalesRepRadio is produced by The MarComm Store, leaders in the development of sales training reinforcement programs, custom corporate podcasts, learning incentive programs, robust web design and more. For more information, visit http://www.marcommstore.com/.

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