"Controlling The Decision" by Kirstin Carey

"The one secret weapon we have is the understanding of how the sales process works and why people make decisions the way they do. When we make purchasing decisions, regardless of what we're buying, we're making them based on an emotion. But, we're using the logical side of our head to justify why we're making that decision."


SalesRepRadio is produced by The MarComm Store, leaders in the development of sales training reinforcement programs, custom corporate podcasts, learning incentive programs, robust web design and more. For more information, visit http://www.marcommstore.com/.

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"Go For No!" by Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz

"The premise is to increase the number of no's that you hear. By increasing the number of no's you hear, ultimately you will be hearing more yes's and be more successful. It's very counterintuitive. A lot of people hear it and they don't understand it at first."


SalesRepRadio is produced by The MarComm Store, leaders in the development of sales training reinforcement programs, custom corporate podcasts, learning incentive programs, robust web design and more. For more information, visit http://www.marcommstore.com/.

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"Differentiating Yourself From The Competition" by Dave Stein

"The economic climate we're in is quite unstable. It's a buyer's market out there. There's a tremendous tendency toward commoditization, and that is, buyers deliberately making commodities out of the products & services we sell. A lot of times salespeople are looked at as being interchangeable. How terrible is that? So I look at the salesperson - not the products and services that they're selling - but the salesperson as being the key point of differentiation."


SalesRepRadio is produced by The MarComm Store, leaders in the development of sales training reinforcement programs, custom corporate podcasts, learning incentive programs, robust web design and more. For more information, visit http://www.marcommstore.com/.

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"Overcoming Telephone Terror" by Wendy Weiss

"Telephone Terror - it's demoralizing, it can make you feel bad about yourself and make you feel like a failure - and it doesn't have to be that way. I don't care for the term, "cold-calling", because I think it sounds scary. I prefer "introductory calling" - you're calling to introduce yourself, your company, your product, your services. It's an introduction and we make introductions all the time."


SalesRepRadio is produced by The MarComm Store, leaders in the development of sales training reinforcement programs, custom corporate podcasts, learning incentive programs, robust web design and more. For more information, visit http://www.marcommstore.com/.

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