"Dazzling Strategies" by Jim Meisenheimer

"When salespeople sell - you can't sell the product, you've got to sell the benefits. Some salespeople think the product sells itself. I've never seen a product that sells itself. People buy, not because they're excited about the product, they buy because the person selling it is excited." CLICK TO LISTEN

SalesRepRadio is produced by The MarComm Store, leaders in the development of sales training reinforcement programs, custom corporate podcasts, learning incentive programs, robust web design and more. For more information, visit http://www.marcommstore.com/.

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"Referral Power" by Colleen Francis

"What we're seeing right now is that if you were to make cold calls in your business, it would take between 75 and 125 contacts in order to get one sale, whereas the best clients I work with these days are seeing a 2 to 1 ratio when it comes to referrals to closes. And I don't know about you, but I would much rather make two calls and get a sale than make 75 calls and get a sale." CLICK TO LISTEN

SalesRepRadio is produced by The MarComm Store, leaders in the development of sales training reinforcement programs, custom corporate podcasts, learning incentive programs, robust web design and more. For more information, visit http://www.marcommstore.com/.

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"The Natural Salesperson" by Dr. Paul Powers

"Traditional sales training focuses on developing a certain set of sales skills, for example describing features and advatages and benefits over your competition. But the notion that there's one effective type of 'super salesperson' is really faulty." CLICK TO LISTEN

SalesRepRadio is produced by The MarComm Store, leaders in the development of sales training reinforcement programs, corporate podcasts, learning incentive programs, robust web design and more. For more information, visit http://www.marcommstore.com/.

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"The Team Selling Solution" by Steve Waterhouse

"Team selling is just what it sounds like - it's using a team of people to sell an account. It's done in those situations where we're bringing in technical specialists or even our senior management team to help us close the account." CLICK TO LISTEN

SalesRepRadio is produced by The MarComm Store, leaders in the development of sales training reinforcement programs, corporate podcasts, learning incentive programs, robust web design and more. For more information, visit http://www.marcommstore.com/.

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